LARP FiveM Gang Rules

LARP Gang Rules

Do not click on any links if you are viewing this inside of the FiveM client.

Revisions and updates:
4/1/2021 - Anarchy
8/11/2020 - Anarchy
6/29/2021 - Sia
2/13/2022 - Gang Management (Sia/RR)
3/8/2023 - Gang Management
3/23/2023 - Gang Management
11/17/2023 - Gang Management
7/25/2024 - Gang Management

In order for you to be a gang on LARP, your leader must first apply on the forums and be accepted. Click here for the gang application.

All new gangs will be under a 60-day probationary period where they will only receive 2 strikes before disbandment. While under the 60-day probation, new gangs are allowed to do all gang related activities with the exception of adding new members to their roster. New gangs must wait until after the 60-day probation before they can add any new members to their gang. They can remove members at any time.

You are still expected to follow all LARP server rules. This includes LEO interactions. Any criminal action outside of your gang turf must still adhere to all the LARP General Rules. You can only have one other gang allied at any time. Also please remember that LARP staff can remove your gang whitelist at any time for any reason. This means that your gang could be disbanded and/or banned from the server. Also bypassing the gang rules in any way will be considered a rule break.


Each gang leader is expected to make sure that their gang members are following server rules. In the past, gangs have utilized “herd recruitment” which has led to bad things happening. Because of this, the following is being put into place.

*First Offense: All Gangs will receive a written warning of a rule break violation. (Any violation.)
*Second Offense: Strike 1 (No Action Taken, other than receiving the Strike.)
*Third Offense: Strike 2 (Loss of all gang perks and a 14 day suspension.)
*Fourth Offense: Disbandment

All strikes will reset to Strike 1 level after 60 days. If no other disciplinary is received after 75 days they will reset back to a warning level.

After 75 days the gang will be eligible for perks again. (When you reset to warning level.)

You (as a leader) should only be recruiting trustworthy people, and as such, they are YOUR responsibility, not ours.

Gangs are required to maintain at least 6 active members after being whitelisted, if activity drops below the required amount, gangs will receive a warning to increase activity within a 30 day period. If activity does not improve after 30 days, the gang will be disbanded with the option to reapply in 30 days with increased activity/more members.

Applying Gangs: Gangs submitting an application are required to provide a roster of at least 8 active members for consideration. If approved - gangs are required to maintain this level of activity for the entirety of their probationary period. The probationary period for newly whitelisted gangs is 60 days. After the probationary period of 60 days is up, gangs will be reduced to a minimum requirement of 6 active members.

Suspension Notes:
While we reserve the right to suspend and/or disband your gang at any time, following the guidelines above a gang may be placed on suspension. During this suspension time, your gang is no longer allowed to affiliate with one another on a gang level for a duration of typically 2 weeks (also subject to a shorter or longer time as determined by the team). During suspension, the following applies:

  • No gang activity of any kind. This includes, but is not limited to, going into enemy turfs, selling drugs as a gang or retaliating as a gang.

  • No gang colors or representation. Color entails vehicles and clothing and/or face masks. Representation entails gang signs or yelling/tweeting your gang name in any context.

  • You are allowed to retaliate if another gang attacks you, however we will be watching the actions of the suspended gangs. If that sounds difficult, it’s meant to be.

  • Removal of all perks (features included with the in-game rosters) associated with your gang. Gangs will not automatically regain these perks after the 60 days are up, and it is based on Gang Management discretion and the activity levels of the Gang during this time.


  • Every gang must have a roster. A link will be provided to you. It is the responsibility of the leader(s) to make sure it is kept up to date.

  • A gang must have a minimum of 1 leader and can have a maximum of 2.

  • ONLY those on the roster are allowed to partake in gang activity. Outsiders may not get involved. This goes for gang activity only. Not criminal activity.

  • Your gang must have at least 8 active members including the gang’s leader. Gangs that are applying or on their probationary period must maintain a minimum of 8 active members including their leader.

  • Each Character can only be on ONE Roster at any time.

  • During a gang war, the rosters of any involved gangs will be locked and recruitment will be disallowed until the war is concluded.

  • Recruiting new members just before declaring a gang war or keeping alternate characters on your roster for use in gang wars as a means of circumventing a locked roster is strictly prohibited.

Gang Wars and Allies

  • Something crucial within RP must happen between the two parties in order for a war to happen. A poor reason behind a war can lead to admin intervention.

  • Wars must be declared in discord in the #gang-leader channel at least 1 hour prior to the first attack occurring. Gangs are not required to accept wars, however, once the gang that declared the war makes their initial attack they must wait for the other gang to retaliate. The other gang has 72 hrs to Retaliate. If retaliation doesn’t happen, the gang war is over. At this point the 3 day cooldown begins.

  • Gangs must wait at least 3 days from the end of the last war with another gang to start a new war.

  • A war can come to an end if a leader decides the reason for the war has been fulfilled and there is no motive in continuing. If an agreement can’t be made Gang Management may be consulted.

  • Both sides may introduce 1 ally to join in on the war. Allies must be made known and follow the same rules as the primary group. If allies are brought in it can only be one other gang not multiple members from other gangs. Each side may only have one group allied with them at any one time to keep numbers limited.

  • During a gang war the crim limit for attacking/defending on your turf or an opposing gang’s turf will be elevated to 8.

  • The combined total of you and your allies present during an attack/defense may not exceed 8. Additionally, at least 2 of your own gang’s members must be present if you are one of the primary parties involved in the war.

  • Gang wars will be restricted to the turf of either of the primary gangs in the war. This means you may not use the turf of your ally as an attack or defense target. Remember, your allies are only there as extra manpower for either attacking your rival’s turf or defending your own.

Attacks, Turf, and Cooldowns

(encourages gangs to keep their RP in their neighborhoods/properties and to keep their roleplay there instead of legion.)

  • To prevent the city from turning into GTA:O a cooldown timer will start after one side attacks the other. You must wait at least 1 hour to retaliate against the opposing gang. This requires gangs to communicate effectively to ensure their members know if sufficient time has passed.

  • After attacking once you must wait for the other side to strike back. This can take days if they do not retaliate immediately. Attacking twice in a row is prohibited.

  • Gangs can only have 2 shootouts between each other per day. This keeps the gang fights limited and should be chosen wisely when to attack. It also requires gangs to communicate with their members.

  • If you are a gang, your shootouts must stay in your neighborhood or on your gang turf. This gives the police officers something new and keeps the block hot making great roleplaying and gives it a realistic feel.

  • The two groups must keep track of the attacks occurring and the primary groups’ allies may not attack on their own. At least 2 members of the primary group must come along on the attack.

  • When attacking another gang’s turf, initiation is relaxed for the attacking group. Instead of being forced to allow the opposing gang to respond, the attackers will only be required to make their presence known and intentions clear to the defenders prior to taking hostile actions against them.

    • For the purpose of group initiation, any members of a gang that are wearing their gang’s identifiers may be included in the initiation.
    • Sniping rules still apply to both the attackers and defenders in a gang war.
    • Standard initiation rules apply when responding to any police officer(s) that arrive at the scene of a gang war.

Special Considerations

  • If someone is wearing your colors/identifiers, minding their own business and hanging out somewhere other than your turf, you should NOT engage with them in a negative manner due to the effects this can have, especially on newer players.

  • If your gang has received a custom clothing item as a perk you may initiate a hostile interaction with another player for wearing them so long as the following conditions are met:

    • The custom item is clearly branded as belonging to your gang, some examples of this include but are not limited to:
      • TS’s Chain
      • JTC’s Mask
      • Atlas’ Vest
        • You may not press another player for wearing a custom clothing item that does not bear your gang’s branding.
    • The hostile interaction is first preceded by a verbal challenge and a reasonable opportunity to remove the offending item(s).
    • The player is established on the server and should reasonably understand what they’re wearing.
  • You are allowed to press a person if they are intentionally imitating your gang to give you a bad reputation.

  • If someone uses their own property for any activity, you are not allowed to press them, even if the property is on your turf. The only exception is if they initiate with you first.

  • If someone approaches your turf dressed as one of your gang members and is antagonizing you, you may engage, but should expect potential push back from your actions.

  • Gangs are allowed to sell drugs on their turf in groups of unrestricted size. Should the police respond to the turf, all members will be required to disperse either alone or in a group of no more than 6.


  • In order to easily identify any involved party of a gang war, all gangs will be required to select a gang war outfit upon receiving their whitelist that is known as gang colors. This is to act as the gang’s official uniform and all members will be required to wear it during a gang war.

  • Gang colors must be submitted to the #gang-colors channel of the LARP official discord and receive approval from Gang Management, afterwards they will be left visible for all other gang leaders to reference. Additionally, all gangs will be required to have approved colors prior to the expiration of their probationary period. Any gang that fails to meet this requirement will be subject to disbandment.

  • All members of a gang will be required to wear their colors anytime their gang is actively involved in a gang war. This is to prevent other players from being able to circumvent a gang war by refusing to wear their uniform and present themselves as target while on turf.

  • Gang colors must be as close to uniform as possible. While we understand that the differences in the clothing available to male/female characters may make it difficult to achieve this, you should do your best to have both outfits mirror each other as closely as possible.

  • In the event that a gang’s allies are participating in a gang war, they will be required to wear the colors of their own gang.

  • Vehicle colors during a Gang War should mirror the primary color used in a Gang’s identifiers. Outside of a Gang War, it is not required.

  • If someone is wearing your Gang’s Colors, it is fine to inform them about what they are wearing, but it doesn’t give you a reason to press further, unless they escalate or are impersonating your gang.

Other Notes

This is first and foremost a roleplay server. It is not your personal gang server and it is not GTA online. If you are warring with someone, you should have a good RP reason to do so. If you do not agree with this, there are plenty of other servers out there that will cater to your play style. All the rules depicted here are subject to change based on the effect these rules have on the overall health of the server.


Gang rules updated 3/1/2021.


Gang rules updated 11/17/2023.

The required amount of people to make a gang changed from 12 to 8.

Updated post with most recent gang rule changes.