Updated : 3/1/2022
Kick/Temp Ban
Kicks/Temp Bans are used to immediately deal with a situation in game that can be worked out in Help Desk or a more aggressive warning. A Kick merely removes the player from the game, where a Temp Ban will remove a player until the next server restart. Kicks/Temp Bans are commonly used for:
- Invalid RP Name: If a name is found to be Fail, a Celebrity, or just racist or crude. A kick will be used to issue a name change.
- Someone is not RP’ing or is unresponsive.
- Misuse of OOC after being warned multiple times.
- Entering an area that has been closed off by admins.
- When a player is not responding to a request to join the Help Desk.
- Overly disruptive behavior that derails RP.
Warnings are a courtesy that is provided to allow players to understand a rule break before they are given a Ban. Not every Ban will be preceded by a warning and it is up to the discretion of the issuing admin to decide whether or not a warning is apt.
In most cases, when a warning is issued about a particular rule break, no further warnings will be given for the same rule break and the next instance of that rule break being committed will result in a Ban.
When a warning is issued, it is highly recommended that the rules are reread about the rule break committed. Any questions regarding the rules can be brought up in Help Desk.
- Ban #1: 24 hours
- Ban #2: 72 hours
- Ban #3: 1 Week(s)
- Ban #4: Perm-ban (requires appeal to lift)
Ban durations are listed above, and the decided upon duration is based on the player’s behavior, how receptive the individual is, how the individual’s record is and whether or not we believe the person will learn from their mistake during the discussion in Help Desk.
Rulebreaks such as Racial or Sexist Slurs, Unwanted Sexual Behavior, Ban Evading or outright Trolling will result in an immediate perm-ban, which can be appealed.
Modding, Exploitation of Game Systems, Memory Editing or any other Rulebreak of this sort will result in a No Appeal Perm-Ban. Please refer to the No Appeal section below.
All disciplinary action, regardless of the type, has to be communicated to the recipient and the action logged in multiple places. We also keep a detailed database (and Discord logs) of each ban for reference purposes. Evidence is posted with each ban, however, is not made available for anyone outside of staff.
Strike Reset
All strikes on a player’s record will reset after a period of 60 days have passed from the expiration of the last ban. Be aware that exploitation of this system is easily identified and will be treated accordingly.
The appeal process is handled by Senior and Lead admins. When reviewing ban appeals, admins will consider player history, not only their last strike.
Ban Appeals
In the event that a player wishes to have a ban reviewed by Senior Staff, it can be Appealed here: Ban Appeals - Los Angeles Roleplay. Be aware that any bans under 72 hours may not be checked in time.
The validity of a Ban can be questioned through an appeal, but only once. An appeal to question the validity must be placed within 14 days of the ban being issued.
If the ban is found to be invalid, it will be removed from the player’s record.
Any appeals submitted prior to the allotted time interval given in the Perm-Ban sections will be instantly rejected and the timer will start anew.
Perm-Ban Appeals
If a player has been Perm-Banned, it is possible to appeal after a period of 30 days to potentially return to the community. If a Perm-Ban is appealed in this fashion, the ban itself will not be removed from the player’s record.
If the appeal is rejected, a subsequent appeal can be submitted 30 days from the time of the denial.
If a player receives a second Perm-Ban (regardless of strike level) will not be eligible to appeal it until 6 months have passed from the date of the ban being issued. If the appeal is rejected, a subsequent appeal can be submitted 3 months later.
If the appeal for a valid ban is accepted, the player will be allowed to return, but will be on probation for 60 days. During this probation, strikes against the player will be treated differently.
Probationary Period:
Probation Ban #1: 1 week ban
Probation Ban #2: 2 week ban
Probation Ban #3: Perm-ban
If the player on probation is free of disciplinary action for 60 days, the number of strikes on their record will be reset. During the probationary period, warnings will normally not be issued and in most cases rule breaks will result in a ban. On occasion warnings may still be issued on a case-by-case basis for extremely minor infractions.
No Appeal
When a No Appeal is applied to a Player’s record, it is final and no further action can be taken to return to the community.
No Appeals are immediately applied for rulebreaks such as: Exploiting Game Systems, Memory Editing or any other rulebreaks of this sort.
No Appeals will also be applied to a player’s record after being Perm-Banned Three Times.